XNet seeks to support the community in which we have done business since 1993. We believe that through hosting and sponsoring networking and collaboration events in the suburbs, we can raise the profile of those who work here and better our community. To that end, we’ve created TEDxNaperville.
TEDxNaperville was created in 2010 by XNet president and co-founder Arthur Zards as a means of sharing his passion for powerful ideas with his local community. Based on its parent organization, TED, TEDxNaperville combines TEDTalks and live speakers to spark deep discussion and personal connections.
Past speakers have included media mogul and internet virality expert Emerson Spartz, ethical hacker and Anonymous expert Joshua Corman, Olympic Silver Medalist John Coyle, and Red Bull Air Force founder Othar Lawrence.
What makes a TEDx event so powerful is its ability to facilitate discussion between free-thinking speakers and open-minded attendees – both of whom seek to change the world.
Anyone can be a speaker at a TEDx event, regardless of age, gender, nationality, or belief. If you have an idea that needs to be shared and spread, we’re ready to listen. We pride our TEDx events on being unique, innovative, inspiring, and even a little weird, so if you have something you wish to share, let us know!
If you or someone you know would like to speak at, volunteer for, or partner with TEDxNaperville, please contact us at info@tedxnaperville.com.